Monday, April 18, 2011

Upcoming Novels and Novellas

Shadow Games
Shadow Spies
The Reality Plague
For those of you who have asked about a sequel to Shadow Games, my new book in the series Shadow Spies, should be published at the end of June, 2011. I will be a full-length novel with a new character, new twists, and (hopefully) more suspense, depth, and action. The problem is that as I learn more I keep revising and it seems to never end.
Add to the delay, the fact that I keep getting distracted by new ideas, and the resulting new novellas, and you get a picture of an author who struggles to keep on track.
The good news is that you soon will be the recipients of at least three new books. They are shorter, less than 40,000 words but I am polishing them to get them ready. The new novellas are: The Reality Plague, To Sail Beyond Tomorrow-Nate's Story, and To Sail Beyond Tomorrow-Susan's Story. At least two of these will be 'for sale' titles, and most likely published on Amazon and Smashwords.
All are science fiction or paranormal romance stories. I'm finding that romance is my most favorite genre, although I want to branch out to others.
Coming in the next four years will be four novels. Shadow Twins, Shadow Reflections, and two as yet unnamed novels that are parked, waiting for their turn, in the back of my brain. Along the way – who knows?